Recent Published article in Journal of Brain Behavior and Cognitive Sciences


Brain behavior and cognitive science got a Research article published recently entitled “Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy with Altered ŝƐƉůĂƟŶ Regimen in Management of Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancers

The superiority of Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) over Radiotherapy (RT) alone in the management of locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck is has previously been demonstrated through several randomized. It is now considered the standard treatment of locally advanced inoperable head and neck cancers; it is also employed as an adjuvant treatment in high risk ƉĂƟÄžnƚƐ͕ improving the local control rate (LCR) by 10% and the overall survival (OS) by 6% compared to RT alone. Various cŚĞmŽƚŚÄžƌĂƉÄžƵƟc agents have been tested in the last six decades with an obvious superiority of ƉůĂƟnƵm based chemotherapy in head and neck cancers. However, whether cŝƐƉůĂƟn is more ÄžīÄžcÆŸvÄž alone or combined with other agents has not yet been determined. DƵůƟƉůÄž cŝƐƉůĂƟn regimens with ĚŝīÄžƌÄžnÆš dosages and schedules have been studied in order to ŝĚÄžnƟĨy the most ÄžīÄžcÆŸvÄž and least toxic regimen with ŝnĚĞĮnŝƚÄžůy results . The standard high dose cŝƐƉůĂƟn regimen of 100 mg/m2 every 3 weeks (on days 1, 22, and 42 of treatment) is usually accompanied by several acute ƚŽxŝcŝƟĞƐ which may interrupt the treatment plan, which could lead to reduce the previously prescribed total cŝƐƉůĂƟn dose. That’s why arises the need of ĚŝīÄžƌÄžnÆš cŝƐƉůĂƟn schedule having the same ÄžīÄžcÆš and bÄžƩÄžƌ toxicity ƉƌŽĮůÄž͘ One of the most widely used ĂůƚÄžƌnÄ‚ÆŸvĞƐ is a weekly low dose cŝƐƉůĂƟn schedule (30-50 mg/m2 ), which was tested in several studies showing higher compliance with an acceptable toxicity ƉƌŽĮůÄž in comparison to the high dose regimen . Regarding the treatment outcome demonstrates the meta-analysis study by Jacinto et al. that there is no superiority of the weekly protocol over the triweekly standard regimen. /nƚĞƌĞƐƟnŐůy showed the study that there is no ĚŝīÄžƌÄžncÄž in acute toxicity between the two schedules [8]. Several other studies demonstrate the superiority of the high dose cŝƐƉůĂƟn regimen over the weekly low dose regimen in terms of OS and DFS.

Contact details:
Riya Parker
Managing Editor
Journal of Brain Behavior and Cognitive Sciences
Whatsapp No: ++44-2036084181