New Trends In Analytical Electrochemistry
Insights in Analytical Electrochemistry Journal is an Imedpub publishing journal which has a wide scope and follow principle subject of electrochemistry in all its aspects, theoretical as well as applied.
Electrochemistry is a wide ranging area that is in a state of continuous evolution. Rather than compiling a long list of topics covered by the Journal, the editors would like to draw particular attention to the key issues of novelty, topicality and quality.
Papers should present new and interesting electrochemical science in a way that is accessible to the reader. The presentation and discussion should be at a level that is consistent with the international status of the Journal. Reports describing the application of well-established techniques to problems that are essentially technical will not be accepted. Similarly, papers that report observations but fail to provide adequate interpretation will be rejected by the Editors. Papers dealing with technical electrochemistry should be submitted to other specialist journals unless the authors can show that their work provides substantially new insights into electrochemical processes.
Insights of Analytical electrochemistry journal accept all types of manuscripts like research articles, Review articles, case reports, case series, Editorials, perspective type, commentary, short communications, Mini Reviews etc.
The authors can expect that the submission will be peer reviewed according to standards of academic and publication excellence. The submission will be considered by an editor who will, if the submission is suitable, seek appropriate peer reviewers. If there is a request for a specific reviewer, this will be considered and held in strict confidence by the editors.
Third Edition covers the latest advances in methodologies, sensors, detectors, and mIcrochips
The greatly expanded Third Edition of this internationally respected text continues to provide readers with a complete panorama of electroanalytical techniques and devices, offering a balancebetween voltammetric and potentiometric techniques. Emphasizing electroanalysis rather than physical electrochemistry, readers gain a deep understanding of the fundamentals of electrodereactions and electrochemical methods. Moreover, readers learn to apply their newfoundknowledge and skills to solve real-world analytical problems.
A standard editorial manager system is utilized for manuscript submission, review, editorial processing and tracking which can be securely accessed by the authors, reviewers and editors for monitoring and tracking the article processing. Manuscripts can be uploaded online at Editorial Tracking .
Manuscripts can be uploaded online at Editorial Tracking System ( ) or forwarded to the Editorial Office at .
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Journal of Insights in Analytical Electrochemistry
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