Journal Of Cancer Epidemiology & Prevention


Journal of Cancer Epidemiology & Preventionis a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, case studies, case reports, and editorials/short communications with major emphasis on cancer etiology, prevention, surveillance and survivorship.

With the successful publication of the first three volumes, the journal is moving towards its release of 4th volume which is a repository of  knowledge and research findings.

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The Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention section aims to publish rigorous research which gives new insights into the initiation, screening and early detection, distribution, prevention and control. The journal also embraces aspects related to descriptive epidemiology, risk factors for disease prognosis, and methodological issues.

The journal progresses forward as part of iMedPub that hosts around 215 open-access peer-reviewed journals as well as organizes more than 100 International scientific conferences.

The journal looks forward to associate with you.


Managing Editor
Journal of Cancer Epidemiology & Prevention