Food and medication guidelines in a period of globalized markets.


This growth spurt occurs due to the activity of hormones that affect every organ of the body and this makes healthy eating very important. The nutrient needs rise throughout childhood, peak in adolescence and then level off or even diminish as the teenager becomes an adult. We eat different kinds of food such as dal, chapatti, bread, rice, vegetables, milk, lassi, etc. All these different kinds of food provide us with nutrients to keep us healthy and active. It is important to know what food to eat in order to stay healthy. The science of food and nutrients and their action on our health is called Nutrition. Can be defined as anything solid or liquid which when swallowed, digested and assimilated in the body provides it with essential substances called nutrients and keeps it well. It is the basic necessity of life.

Food supplies energy, enables growth and repair of tissues and organs. It also protects the body from disease and regulates body functions. Nutrition is defined as the science of foods, nutrients and other substances they contain; and of their actions within the body including Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, Metabolism and Excretion [ADME].While this summarises the physiological dimensions, nutrition has social, psychological and economic dimensions too. Nutrients are the constituents in food that must be supplied to the body in suitable amounts. These include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, water and fibre. We need a wide range of nutrients to keep ourselves healthy. Most foods contain more than one nutrient such as milk has proteins, fats, etc. Nutrients can be classified as macro nutrients and micronutrients on the basis of the required quantity to be consumed by us every day. The figure on the next page shows us the distinction between macronutrients and micronutrients.

All the functions are effectively carried out by obtaining energy, vigor and strength and that one obtains through acquiring food and proper nutrition. Food is not only vital to carry out ones job duties, performing well academically or putting into operation the household chores and rendering an effective contribution in other activities such as physical exercises, music, dance, arts and crafts, sports and so forth; food is considered to be an essential requirement for one’s normal growth and development. The intake of certain foods called nutrients influence the functions of the body, protect the body against diseases or illnesses, reinstate health and establish people’s responses to changes that occur within an environment. Food and nutrition assists an individual in forming a holistic and an integrated understanding of this composite, comprehensive and methodical area. Human nutrition takes into account the processes whereby cellular organelles, cells, tissues, organs, systems and the functioning of the human body make use of the required materials obtained from the foods to sustain structural and efficient uprightness. Nutrition is defined as when food performs its work within the body; nutrition includes everything that happens to the food from the time it is consumed until it is utilized for the performance of various functions within the body. Nutrients are constituents of food that are required by the body in sufficient amounts in order to nurture, reproduce and lead a standard, healthy life. Nutrients include water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. There are several nutrients in each of the groups, these are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins; hence the plural form of these words have been stated. Therefore, there are more than 40 essential nutrients supplied by food, which are used to produce accurately thousands of materials needed for an energetic living and good physical health.

The Archives in Food and Nutrition is a world-wide peer-reviewed open-access journal which systematically documents several of key developments and Membrane processes taking place in the field of Membrane technology all across the world.

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